
Stefanie Kullmann offers a wide range of therapies including Reiki, SomatoEmotional Release, Heart Centered, CranioSacral and Massage Therapy. Keep scrolling to learn more about these modalities, and how they might help you.

CranioSacral Therapy

The goal of CranioSacral Therapy is to enhance the body’s self-correcting/self-regulating mechanism to improve wellness. Such is achieved through gentle, non-invasive touch to assess, modify and correct restrictions in the CranioSacral system. Due to its nature of the light touch it is beneficial for a variety of health conditions and all ages, from infant through seniors.

Follow the link for more information on how CranioSacral Therapy could help you. Check out the Upledger Institute Youtube Channel.


Refers to universal (Rei) life energy (ki) a gentle, non-intrusive hands-on healing technique that is great to be shared with others and oneself by using spiritual energy to balance the energy, calm the emotions and enhance mental clarity. It can encourage personal and spiritual awareness and growth. 

Stefanie has been attuned to, been working with and been transformed by Reiki since 2007. If you’re interested in seeing Reiki in action, check out our Events/Specials page to see if we have an upcoming Reiki Share.

Principles of Reiki

Just for today …

I will not be angry

I will not worry

I will be grateful

I will do my work honestly

I will be kind to others

Therapeutic Massage

Is a blend of Swedish massage, myofascial and deep tissue massage to achieve the highest benefit for the client. It serves a client’s specific need on a particular day, be it relaxation, stress or pain relief or to work on a specific issue i. e. lower back, neck or shoulder pain, as well as chronic pain. 

Heart Centered Therapy

Is a sacred journey within. A heart-centered therapy session is a heart-led dialogue that enables deep healing. By following the heart, we can change beliefs and resolve mental constructs that may be the cause of pain or confusion. By creating a space of safety, love, and compassion, we are free to discover who we truly are, without feeling as though we need to relive the trauma.

This process gently identifies and revisits original trauma where negative decisions and beliefs originated, including through familial lineage.

The approach to healing is gentle and respectful, yet addresses the issue straight and simple.

Description has been modified from Chikly Health Institute

SomatoEmotional Release (SER)

Is the therapeutic process that uses and expands on the principles of CranioSacral Therapy (CST) to help the mind and body release the residual effects of trauma.

The therapeutic process of SER enhances the results of CST through the use of therapeutic imagery and dialogue, during which the therapist acts as a facilitator in cooperation with that part of the client’s body that wants to release the residual effect of the trauma.

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